Who knew Egypt and Heaven were in Sweden?

Today was our last day here, and the team had a great time at Fiskebacke School while I received a personal tour of Göteborg from my host Karl-Ake! Yesterday I was able to visit a prefabricated housing plant yesterday, and also take in some of the history of the local countryside, including a short visit to Egypten! Today Karl-Åke also gave me a historical and architectural tour of Göteborg, including a wonderful lunch at the
FiskeKyrka (Fish Church), a stop at the beautiful wooden
MastHogget Kyrka, and a fika in Heaven 23 – the top of the Gothia Massan Tower, 23 floors up (Göteborg’s tallest building). We also had an impromptu stop at the Gamlan Majgrabbar, where some Swedes gave
me information on "the capital of Maine"!

Tonight I rejoined the team (except for Rachel, who is nursing a pretty bad cold but thankfully has reported feeling a little better) for a delicious home-made dinner at District Governor Bo Westling’s house. Then Anders took us to the opera Katja Kabanova at the Göteborg Operan. We especially enjoyed watching the orchestra, as we sat in the first row! What a great day to be our last!

Tomorrow we leave Sweden, and I think I can say that none of us will ever forget our experiences here. It has been absolutely wonderful. We’ll try to keep you all updated here upon our return. We still have our District Conference coming up in a few weeks, and we all have learned sustainable things that may change our work or our communities.
Lycka till med alt, och tack så mycket! Vi ses i Minnesota! :)