Sharing a laugh over cheesecake 
Last night Jennifer invited all of us to a wonderful dinner at her house! We were joined by District Governor Roy Sjoberg and his wife Lana. Prior Lake's president-to-be Kyle Haugen and his girlfriend Kaitlin also joined us, making it quite a large party! Thankfully Jennifer had plenty of chili (even vegetarian - thank you!) and cheesecake to go around. Kara and Roy entertained us with stories of speeding tickets and Roy also gave us a little insight into what Rotary is expecting us to bring back in terms of sustainability and reminded us that overall this is a cultural experience. I don't know about everyone else, but hearing that especially made me excited for the trip! I travel a lot for my job and am extremely lucky to be doing sustainable endeavors on a daily basis, and I was pretty much focusing on only this part of the trip (learning about Swedish sustainability). It was nice to hear that we're also expected to take in the other parts of Sweden as well, like the food, the music, the culture. I can't wait to meet Christina and our host families, and especially after getting feedback on the presentation from our guests, I am

feeling more prepared. The more I learn about each of my fellow travelers, the more certain I am that this is going to be a great trip and that we have a great group. As Roy said, "go forth and multiply!" :)
I'm looking forward to many more dinners with all of you! Thank you Jennifer for inviting us all to dinner and for agreeing to lead us on this adventure!
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