Sunday, February 8, 2009

The excitement builds!

A couple of weeks ago I went to North Carolina to visit my sister and her new baby. I took my Swedish book with me to study, and my older nephew, age 3, was full of questions: "Why you going to Sweden? Where is Sweden? What you do there?" And once I told him how to say "train" (tåg) in Swedish, he was off to the races! "Aunt Kara, how you say "dragon" in Swedish? How you say doorbell? dump truck? cupcake? snowman? clean up?" He made me realize how very little of the language I know!

Being at my sister's house also got me thinking about just how different individual households are even within the U.S. Someone visiting my sister from another country would get one snapshot of daily living the U.S. (suburban, kid-friendly, wide selection of television channels). Someone visiting my house would get a different picture of the U.S. (urban, conservation-oriented, wide selection of bulk dried beans in the pantry.) It makes me really glad that we will be staying with 7 or 8 different host families in Sweden, so that we'll have a more diverse picture of home life in Sweden.

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