Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fridley - Columbia Heights Rotary Club Meeting

I met with my sponsoring rotary club yesterday morning. The members are almost as excited as I am about the upcoming Sweden GSE trip. Their enthusiasm is contagious. As the presenter for the meeting, I told of the multiple team meetings, the Swedish lessons at the American Swedish Institute, the tentative schedule for our team and the trip preparations. One club member asked if I would be staying a with host family. Yes, I responded, more than one. There will be eight families total! I look forward to meeting the families and learning how their lifestyle is both similar and different to mine in Minnesota. I want to know if the families recycle, reuse water, conserve energy, use geothermal heating, walk instead of drive, shop at farmers markets, read books, watch tv, buy used clothing, and eat at restaurants. Mostly, I am curious to learn how sustainability can build a community. Only 5 days to go before our team departs. I'm nervous and excited. - Rachel

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