Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3 Days In Sweden

Thank you to my team mate, Alison, who has been posting daily on our blog! This is my first post since arriving in Sweden. Hard to believe I have already spent 3 full days in Sweden. Upon reflecting, it's actually been 2 full days and also our arrival day. It's just that our days have been so filled with activity. I have taken about 120 pictures so far, but I will upload just one for each "activity" during our trip.

What a delight to be in Sweden! My language skills are increasing with each hour. I am remember both Danish and the Swedish learned during the six weeks of lessons taken in Minnesota at the American Swedish Institute. Alison and I are staying together at the first family. Our host family members, Anna Karin, Anders, and Johan, are wonderful about helping us learn Swedish. They keep the Swedish-English dictionary handy at each meal. Their English is quite good, so communicating is not a problem. I'm beginning to find myself using gestures to explain what I mean in both Swedish and English. Last night I said to Alison that I feel like I am playing charades!

The family has a Aerdale terrier named Max who does not understand English. He is sleeping next to me while I type. I said hello to him this morning in English and he did not move. Then I remembered the language barrier and said hello to Max in Swedish and he wagged his tail!

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