As Steph said, we have done so many great things in Göteborg so far!! Yesterday the visit to Ekocentrum was especially interesting! My host family, Anni and Jan, have been very nice, and we’ve had some great conversations about traveling and sailing. I think their cat Nelson likes me too.
The district conference here was great – we made connections with so many great people and danced the night away. I had the privilege of sitting next to a very talented musician and kind-hearted person Magnus Rosén at the District dinner. (You may remember him from when he played for the band Hammerfall). Magnus played a very special musical show at the district conference and spoke about one of his many projects. He has been playing shows in South Africa and charging 2 kilos of food for admission, and then he distributes the food to the poor in the area. Because of the program’s success, he has expanded this to other parts of the world as well. I found this incredibly inspiring and hope to be involved in something like some day. And because Rotary is about making connections, let me just mention here my friends’ band So It Goes, who also volunteer their music for a good cause called Rock the Cause. The proceeds go to charities, often ones that are AIDS-related. I really liked the idea of working directly with the communities that are benefited, so if there’s anyone reading this that might like to partner in something like that, please let me know!
We had another presentation last night, and I think that it went really well. I’m really proud of our group for doing such a great job on every presentation so far! It’s been really fun to speak a little bit of Swedish with our clubs and learn more about what they’re doing.
So today we leave for Tanum, and I think we are all very excited to take the train and see the beautiful landscape! We may not have internet up there, so it may be a while before we post again.
We’ll be back in the Göteborg soon! Vi Ses - Alison
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