March 20, 2009
Today we said good-bye to our host-families in Partille. This has really been a great part of the trip for me. I never expected to learn about Iranian culture or be able to participate in the Iranian new year celebration. Rachel and I really enjoyed jumping over the seven fires, painting eggs, and picking out goldfish to help decorate the new years table. Masoud and Mina really made us feel like part of their family, and Mina even took us to her dentist office to learn

about the Swedish dental system (children are given free examinations in their own schools once or twice a year). We also visited a children’s hospital, an art museum, a library, the botanical gardens, a ball-bearing manufacturing plant – some of whose parts are used in wind turbines - and the gigantic Port of Göteborg. This trip seems to have had a lot of music in it, and during the Partille stay I had the opportunity to play piano with my host family, listen to Iranian music, have a wonderful song-filled dinner at Anders’ house, get new Swedish music, and visit the beautiful Göteborg Operan (Opera house). We are learning so many great things, and meeting so many great people. The only complaint I have is that we have to say good-bye to our host families. I hope that many of you will be joining us at the farewell party on the 31st!!

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