Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26 - Strömstad to Tanum and Fjällbacka and back

We left our host family's house in Strömstad and drove south to Alison's host family's house near Tanum. After indulging in a mini-course of archeology of rock carvings, we continued on to a small fishing village.

Today we visited the small village of Fjällbacka along the Bohuslan coastline. Map of the village. We learned about the area's history and economy. Fishing dominated the economy, mainly during the herring periods.
We learned about Ingred Bergman, too, and her history in Fjällbacka. Other communities in the area built an economy around coastal freight and stone quarrying in the late 19th century and into the 20th century.

We ended at Blomsholm, where there is a funeral site with vertical stones mounted in an oval shape. The graves are from the iron age and from King Carl the 12th.

Thank you to Madeleine and Torgny for the delicious dinner with salmon, champagne and a fine dessert!


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