Friday, March 6, 2009

Rotary Presentation For Alingsas Rotary Club

Our team gave its first presentation today and it went very well! We looked sharp in our matching red jackets and black pants. During the presentation we stood on a stage and spoke into a microphone. I felt a bit like a theater performer! We each spoke for about 5 minutes to the crowd of 55 people. Apparently, we were a big draw because 25% more people showed up than usual. The crowd was friendly, as is expected from Rotary members.

Some of the Alingsas Rotarians in this club were older, maybe retired, and did not speak much English. Because of that, they did not ask questions at the end of our 20 minute presentation. One member, however, was curious about Minnesota's sustainability efforts. In preparation for the GSE Sweden trip, Kara found information that ranked USA cities on multiple criteria. Minneapolis, MN has been ranked as the seventh most sustainable city in the USA. It was in reference to this slide that the question was asked.

One Rotary member said that he has never heard the word sustainability used so many times in one presentation. The audience thanked us for the information and said that we looked at ease on stage. That's good because I felt a little nervous before the meeting. I expect the future presentations will also go well.

Tomorrow we get to sleep in. Late morning, we will attend a training meeting for the future Rotary presidents of our host district. After we dine together we have free time in Alingsas. I'm looking forward to biking in Nolhaga, a large park in the center of the city that has a small zoo and is on the shore of a lake.

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